Consulting services
"CHEMAGREGAT-CONSULTING" specialists with large experience in working at the chemical equipment market will provide you with marketing services, perform research of the field you are interested in; analyze the distribution channels for the products; assist in finding distribution partners (resellers).
Competent specialists will prepare recommendations for the development of technical and informational documentation for realization of the products at the Russian market and assist in bringing the information to the audience you are interested in.
We will help you to obtain all necessary permitting documentation, issue the customs documents, select the right logistic company as well as office, warehouse and reselling premises.
CJSC Group of companies "CHEMAGREGAT" specialists working in the field since 1998 have large client base and personal relations with the professionals of chemical, oil-chemical and oil-processing, metallurgy and energetic field with project and scientific institutions, manufacturing enterprises, specialized logistic companies, etc.
We are ready to share our experience with the colleagues in Russia and other countries willing to promote its products and services.
Contact us for more information about our pumps, solutions and services.